Eyecare News & Info

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

Computer Vision Syndrome is a condition resulting from extended use of display devices such as computers, tablets, or cell phones. Though often temporary, the condition can result in symptoms such as blurred visions, headaches, redness of the eye, dry eyes, double vision, or dizziness. CVS affects as many as 90% of computer users who spend … Read more

We Answer Common Questions Our Patients Have About Contact Lenses

Q:  How can I be certain that I can wear contact lenses? A: We can assure you if you are a great candidate for contact lenses, especially with the advanced technology that our office utilizes. For example, did you know there are bifocal contact lenses for those with presbyopia and lenses for our patients who … Read more

Specialty Eyewear

Just as “one-size-fits-all” doesn’t always fit, neither does one pair of eyeglasses for all situations. Whether you want optimum vision and comfort for a specific activity, such as computer use, work, hobbies or driving, or you need glasses that provide an extra margin of safety for work or recreation, special-purpose eyeglasses will usually meet these … Read more

Treat Fall allergies

Fall allergy triggers are different from the spring and summer ones but can cause just as many symptoms. Here are some ways to keep your eyes healthy during the fall! Ragweed is the king of fall allergy season. It usually begins releasing pollen in August, but it can last through September and into October. Seventy-five … Read more

Dry Eye Syndrome

How Do I Know If I Have Dry Eye Syndrome? Dry Eye Syndrome is caused by chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of your eye. This is more common among women. Although there is no determining factor for this, we believe dry eyes could possibly be due to hormonal fluctuations. Symptoms … Read more

Your Comprehensive Eye Exam

A comprehensive eye exam includes a number of tests and procedures to examine and evaluate the health of your eyes and the quality of your vision. These tests range from simple ones, like having you read an eye chart, to complex tests, such as using a high-powered lens to examine the health of the tissues … Read more

Visit Performance Eyecare for eye exams

Did you know August is National Eye Exam month? It’s a nice reminder as we get ready to send the kids back to school that eye health is important learning for children, and even for adults.

Swimming With Contact Lenses

The question of the summer: Can I swim with my contact lenses in? The simple answer is: it should be avoided whenever possible to prevent bacteria in your eye and other damage occurring to the lens. Not only can bacteria grow in your eye, but swimming with your contacts in can result in various eye … Read more

SUNGLASSES Protection and Quality

Summer is just around the corner: it’s time to protect yourself with prescription sunglasses! Our eyes, like our skin, need protection from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. According to the National Eye Institute, sunglasses protect eyes from UV rays and can lessen the incidence of the following health conditions: Cataracts, a clouding of the eyes’ … Read more

PeC has the latest trends in performance sunglasses

The interest in performance-oriented sunglasses has surged in recent years, as well as outdoor activities such as mountain biking, snowboarding, rock climbing, kayaking, skiing, golfing and in-line skating. The boom in outdoor sports activities like mountain biking, snowboarding, rock climbing, kayaking, skiing, golfing and in-line skating has also created a demand for sports- and performance-oriented … Read more