Benefits of Daily Contacts: Comfort, Convenience, and Eye Health

Are you tired of dealing with the hassle of cleaning and storing your monthly contact lenses? Have you considered switching to daily disposable contacts? If not, you may be missing out on numerous benefits that can improve your vision, comfort, and eye health.


In our latest video, Dr. Marcus Cuff explores the numerous benefits of daily disposable contact lenses. One of the biggest advantages of these lenses is the convenience they offer. With daily contacts, there’s no need to clean or store them after each use, which saves you time and eliminates the risk of lens contamination. 


Another benefit of daily contacts is improved comfort. These lenses are made with advanced materials that provide a comfortable fit and retain moisture, which reduces dryness and irritation. Additionally, daily lenses can be a great option for those with allergies, as they help to prevent the buildup of allergens on the lens surface. 

Less Risk of Infection

Daily disposable contact lenses also offer superior eye health benefits. Since these lenses are only worn once and then discarded, there’s no risk of bacteria or other contaminants building up on the lens over time, which can lead to infections and other eye problems. 

Give Dailies a Try with Performance Eyecare

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a convenient, comfortable, and safe contact lens option, daily disposable contacts may be the perfect solution for you. With their numerous benefits, including improved comfort, convenience, and reduced risk of eye infections, daily contacts can help you see the world more clearly and comfortably.

If you’re interested in learning more about this option, watch our latest video and schedule an appointment with us to determine if daily disposable contact lenses are right for you. 

Performance Eyecare is the Midwest’s largest, privately held eye care provider with nine locations in Missouri and Illinois.