Eyecare News & Info

Understanding Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment is a severe, and often sudden, eye condition that occurs when the retina – a tissue in the back of the eye – separates from its life-sustaining blood vessels. The stealthy nature of retinal detachment makes early detection challenging.Bbut time is critically important when it comes to preventing irreversible damage to your sight. … Read more

What is Astigmatism?

For many of us, the colorful, twinkling lights of a Christmas tree or the endless stretch of red rush hour brake lights are just that – lights. But for those who live with astigmatism, lights like these don’t always twinkle or shine.  Astigmatism is the result of an irregularly shaped cornea or lens, where it … Read more

Forget the Air Puff – Opt for No-Puff Eye Exams

Have you ever found yourself wondering, “what is that terrible air puff test for?” It’s a common question we hear, most likely due to the discomfort it can cause. For many, a visit to the eye doctor creates feelings of stress and apprehension. The anticipation of uncomfortable tests, such as the infamous air puff eye … Read more

Why Plastic Quality Matters

Did you know that the quality of the plastic used in your eyeglasses can impact their lifespan and durability? At Performance Eyecare, we source only high-quality plastics to ensure that your glasses last as long as possible. Plus, we offer a 1-year warranty on all of our eyeglasses for your peace of mind. In this … Read more

Keeping Rewearable Contact Lenses Clean and Comfortable

Contact lenses are a convenient and comfortable alternative to glasses, but they do require regular maintenance to ensure optimal vision and eye health. In this video, we provide tips for cleaning and storing your contact lenses, including the use of proper solutions and avoiding common mistakes like sleeping in your lenses. Ensuring you get the … Read more

How to Take Care of Your Prescription glasses

Your prescription eyeglasses are a significant investment in your vision and style, so it’s important to take proper care to ensure they last as long as possible. Our team at Performance Eyecare will teach you all about how to maintain your glasses. By following these simple tips, you can enjoy comfortable, clear vision for years … Read more

Understanding Dry Eye: Treatment Options

If you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve experienced some dry eye symptoms. You’re in luck, despite misconceptions, dry eye is a curable condition.  There are several effective treatment options available to alleviate its symptoms and improve overall eye health. If you’ve noticed changes in your eye lubrication or frequently experience dryness, itchiness, or a … Read more

Celebrating National Sunglasses Day 2023: Safeguarding Your Vision with UV Sunglasses

To celebrate National Sunglasses Day 2023, we’re shedding light on the importance of protecting our eyes from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. The Vision Council, a leading authority in the eyewear industry, has been instrumental in raising awareness about the significance of UV sunglasses. In this blog post, we delve into the history of National Sunglasses … Read more

Benefits of Daily Contacts: Comfort, Convenience, and Eye Health

Are you tired of dealing with the hassle of cleaning and storing your monthly contact lenses? Have you considered switching to daily disposable contacts? If not, you may be missing out on numerous benefits that can improve your vision, comfort, and eye health. Convenience   In our latest video, Dr. Marcus Cuff explores the numerous benefits … Read more

January is the ideal time to start getting eye exams

January is a great time to schedule your annual eye exam. Just remember, “a new year, a new eye exam” to help you remember. Eye exams are often pushed aside by people with great vision and even those with poor sight, but routine exams are important regardless of age or physical health. The eye doctors do … Read more

A visit to Performance Eyecare can keep you from having eye strain

We’ve all squinted to see something before, but we don’t have to do that if we wear the correct eyewear. At Performance Eyecare, we will protect you from eye strain by giving you an eye exam and then prescribing any necessary eyeglasses or contacts. Preventing Eye Strain Are you sitting too close to your computer … Read more

Winter weather could irritate your eyes

The bright sun reflecting off the white snow isn’t the only eye hazard you should be worried about this winter. Other hazards that could irritate your eyes are the cold winds and dry air. As noted by Osteopathic.org, harsh weather conditions can make eyes constantly dry and irritated, especially for those who wear contact lenses. … Read more