Forget the Air Puff – Opt for No-Puff Eye Exams

Have you ever found yourself wondering, “what is that terrible air puff test for?” It’s a common question we hear, most likely due to the discomfort it can cause. For many, a visit to the eye doctor creates feelings of stress and apprehension. The anticipation of uncomfortable tests, such as the infamous air puff eye test, can be a source of unease.

Fortunately, new technology is making the air puff test a thing of the past! Let’s explore the purpose of the air puff eye test, and how Performance Eyecare’s innovative no-puff approach not only enhances comfort, but also ensures precise and accurate glaucoma testing.

What does the Air Puff Test do?

The air puff eye test, officially known as non-contact tonometry (NCT), serves as a method to measure intraocular pressure and screen for glaucoma. This test involves directing a small puff of air at your open eye while you focus on a light inside a machine. The tonometer then gauges the pressure inside your eye without making direct contact. It’s a quick and non-invasive procedure, but still usually tops the list for people’s least favorite part of an eye exam. 

Why Do Patients Dislike the Air Puff Eye Test?

Despite its painless nature, many patients express discomfort and anxiety about the air puff test. The sudden burst of air can be startling, making it challenging for some people to keep their eyes open during the procedure. Jumping or flinching can contribute to inaccurate readings, or require additional tests to get the information needed. Some individuals may even develop anxiety about the test itself, impacting their overall eye exam experience.

Performance Eyecare’s No-Puff Eye Exams: The Comfortable and Precise Alternative

The team at Performance Eyecare saw an opportunity for alternative testing methods that prioritize patient comfort without compromising accuracy. Our no-puff eye exams offer an easy alternative that not only addresses the discomfort associated with the air puff, test but also provides accurate and precise results.

Our simple no-puff test is conducted by examining your eyes with a small, specialized lens. Similar to a microscope, the tonometer quickly takes your measurements with no eye drops or big puffs of air required. Patients are less likely to blink or react involuntarily, ensuring a steady and uninterrupted measurement of intraocular pressure. This precision is essential for an accurate diagnosis and ongoing monitoring of eye conditions.

Your Eyes, Your Comfort, Our Priority

Next time you find yourself questioning, “What is the air puff eye test for?” remember there’s a more comfortable option available at Performance Eyecare. Our no-puff eye exams offer a patient-friendly experience without compromising the accuracy of glaucoma testing.

Schedule your no-puff eye exam today and discover the difference for yourself!