How To Reduce Eye Strain When Working With Computers

Whether you’re working long hours on a computer, or enjoy extracurricular digital activities, taking proactive measures to prevent digital eye strain is crucial. In a time where screens dominate our daily lives, it’s not uncommon to experience eye strain, discomfort, and fatigue. We’ll share a few practical tips and techniques to help you reduce eye strain and keep yourself comfortable during those long hours in front of a screen.

Keep Your Workspace Properly Lit for Visual Comfort

One of the primary culprits behind digital eye strain is improper lighting. A well-lit workspace can significantly reduce eye strain and enhance your visual comfort. Check to make sure that your computer screen is neither too bright nor too dim. There are lots of settings to help you adjust the brightness and contrast settings to match your surroundings.

Also, consider using indirect lighting to minimize glare and harsh reflections on your screen. For example, if you use a desk lamp, position it in a way that illuminates your workspace without causing any glare on the screen. This subtle adjustment can make a significant difference in reducing eye strain during prolonged computer use.

Shield Your Eyes from Harmful Rays with Blue Light Blocking Lenses

In today’s digital age, our eyes are constantly exposed to the blue light emitted by screens. Prolonged exposure to this type of light can contribute to eye strain and disrupt your sleep patterns. Performance Eyecare recommends investing in blue light blocking lenses to provide an extra layer of protection for your eyes – in fact, we provide this upgrade to our patients at no charge!

Blue light blocking lenses can filter out a significant portion of harmful blue light, reducing eye strain and preventing potential long-term damage. These lenses are available in prescription and non-prescription options, making them a versatile solution for everyone.

Find Your Comfort Zone with Ergonomic Setups

Creating an ergonomic workspace is a helpful – but often undervalued – tactic for preventing digital eye strain. First, position your computer screen at eye level, where the top third of your monitor is in line with your eyes. This will minimize how often you tilt your head up or down, reducing the strain on your neck and eyes. Invest in an ergonomic chair that supports good posture and consider using a document holder to keep reference materials at eye level.

Additionally, ensure that your keyboard and mouse are positioned comfortably to prevent unnecessary strain on your wrists and hands. Taking the time to set up an ergonomic workspace can significantly impact your comfort and productivity during long hours of computer use.

Give Your Eyes a Break with the 20-20-20 Rule

We recommend incorporating the 20-20-20 rule into your daily routine to give your eyes much-needed breaks. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away. This simple exercise reduces eye strain by providing moments of relaxation for your eye muscles. And how does that help? Short breaks allow your eyes to refocus, and prevent a lot of the discomfort and dryness associated with staring at a screen for extended periods of time. 

New habits can be difficult to start, but if you follow the 20-20-20 rule consistently, you’ll likely notice a positive impact on your eye health and overall well-being. At the beginning, you may want to use a timer to get familiar with the cadence. Soon, these short breaks will become a natural part of your day. 

Keep Your Eyes Comfortable with a Quality Eye Doctor

The team at Performance Eyecare encourages you to take proactive steps to protect your eyes and create healthier screen habits. Remember, a small investment in your eye health today can lead to long-term benefits, allowing you to enjoy the digital world with clarity and comfort.Ready to address your eye strain and say goodbye to fatigue? Schedule an eye exam with the trusted, experienced team at Performance Eyecare!