Eyecare News & Info

Understanding Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment is a severe, and often sudden, eye condition that occurs when the retina – a tissue in the back of the eye – separates from its life-sustaining blood vessels. The stealthy nature of retinal detachment makes early detection challenging.Bbut time is critically important when it comes to preventing irreversible damage to your sight. … Read more

What is Astigmatism?

For many of us, the colorful, twinkling lights of a Christmas tree or the endless stretch of red rush hour brake lights are just that – lights. But for those who live with astigmatism, lights like these don’t always twinkle or shine.  Astigmatism is the result of an irregularly shaped cornea or lens, where it … Read more

Forget the Air Puff – Opt for No-Puff Eye Exams

Have you ever found yourself wondering, “what is that terrible air puff test for?” It’s a common question we hear, most likely due to the discomfort it can cause. For many, a visit to the eye doctor creates feelings of stress and apprehension. The anticipation of uncomfortable tests, such as the infamous air puff eye … Read more

January is the ideal time to start getting eye exams

January is a great time to schedule your annual eye exam. Just remember, “a new year, a new eye exam” to help you remember. Eye exams are often pushed aside by people with great vision and even those with poor sight, but routine exams are important regardless of age or physical health. The eye doctors do … Read more

A visit to Performance Eyecare can keep you from having eye strain

We’ve all squinted to see something before, but we don’t have to do that if we wear the correct eyewear. At Performance Eyecare, we will protect you from eye strain by giving you an eye exam and then prescribing any necessary eyeglasses or contacts. Preventing Eye Strain Are you sitting too close to your computer … Read more

Winter weather could irritate your eyes

The bright sun reflecting off the white snow isn’t the only eye hazard you should be worried about this winter. Other hazards that could irritate your eyes are the cold winds and dry air. As noted by Osteopathic.org, harsh weather conditions can make eyes constantly dry and irritated, especially for those who wear contact lenses. … Read more

Performance Eyecare will keep your eyes healthy this winter

What’s the number one concern during the cold winter months? Staying warm, of course! Keep in mind that your eye health shouldn’t take a back seat because these cold months can be just as dangerous as the summer ones. Here are 3 tips to keeping your eyes healthy this winter: Keep your eyes moist We … Read more

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

Computer Vision Syndrome is a condition resulting from extended use of display devices such as computers, tablets, or cell phones. Though often temporary, the condition can result in symptoms such as blurred visions, headaches, redness of the eye, dry eyes, double vision, or dizziness. CVS affects as many as 90% of computer users who spend … Read more

Diabetic Eye Disease Month

Did you know Diabetes can affect your vision? Diabetes is a debilitating disease affecting over 29 million Americans. According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than one-fourth of this population is not diagnosed. Although most commonly associated with controlling blood sugar levels, diabetes is a systemic disease that, left untreated or poorly managed, can … Read more

Foods That Will Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Many of us were told when we were kids to eat our carrots if we want to have healthy eyes. But healthy eyes go beyond just carrots. Are you eating the right foods to keep your eyes healthy and your vision strong? Here are a couple great options to support your eye health: Leafy greens … Read more

Minimize Stress To Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Big project due? Bills need to be paid? Trying to find a job? These are a few things that can cause stress. That stress can cause other problems to your health including your eyes. Life can be hectic as we try to best manage our tasks in an orderly fashion, but sometimes the anxiety takes … Read more